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Funny School Excuses for Being Absent

All Women's Talk

17 Funny Excuses to Use for Skipping Class ...

By Holly

No one wants to go to school, especially when the weather is still nice. That's why you need to have some good excuses ready that you can use when you decide to play hooky. Don't have any? Well, you're in luck, because here are a few of the funniest excuses you could ever use for skipping class:

1 I'm Allergic to Responsibility

I'm Allergic to Responsibility The older you get, the more responsibilities you have. Of course, most of them aren't any fun, which is why sometimes you just have to rebel.

2 It Wasn't Destined to Happen

It Wasn't Destined to Happen Some things just aren't meant to be. Your teacher should understand that.

3 I Was at a Procrastinators Club Meeting

I Was at a Procrastinators Club Meeting This excuse will work when you skip school, and when you're late for school. It's versatile!

4 I Couldn't Come on an Empty Stomach

I Couldn't Come on an Empty Stomach It's embarrassing to have your stomach grumble in the middle of a quiet class. That's why skipping was your only option.

5 I Had a Bad Hair Day

I Had a Bad Hair Day If your crush is in your class, you can't let him see you at your worst.

6 I Misplaced My Motivation

I Misplaced My Motivation Hey, if you don't have any motivation, how can you be expected to go to class?

7 My Biological Clock is Ticking

My Biological Clock is Ticking Of course, your teacher might give you a weird look when they hear this, because it suggests you skipped class to have sex.

8 I Thought We Needed Some Time Apart

I Thought We Needed Some Time Apart Tell your professor that you don't think it's healthy for you two to be spending so much time together. You decided a break was best for the both of you.

9 Why Are You so Obsessed with Me?

Why Are You so Obsessed with Me? If your teacher keeps asking you why you were absent, hit them with this question. It'll teach them to keep their nose out of your business.

10 I Made Too Much Food and Couldn't Let It Go to Waste

I Made Too Much Food and Couldn't Let It Go to Waste You're broke, so it would be painful to let an entire cake go to waste, wouldn't it?

11 I Was in Jail

I Was in Jail Unless your teacher goes to the police to find out if you're telling the truth, it's an excuse they can't argue with.

12 Netflix Needed Me More than You Did

Netflix Needed Me More than You Did You can't leave your buddy Netflix alone for too long, or you'll both suffer. That's why you decided to take a sick day to lounge on your couch and binge watch random shows.

13 I Actually Wanted to Have a Good Day

I Actually Wanted to Have a Good Day This is about as honest as you can get. After all, if you ever want to have a good day, the obvious thing to do is skip class.

14 I Knew I'd Learn More on the Internet than in Class

I Knew I'd Learn More on the Internet than in Class If you spend the day searching the web instead of sitting in class, you might actually learn more from Google than from your professors. It's funny how the world works.

slena that is so not true he is so funny ...

15 I Had a Severe Allergic Reaction to Your Syllabus

I Had a Severe Allergic Reaction to Your Syllabus You don't want to lie about having allergic reactions to peanut butter or any other food. That's why you should take the honest route by blaming the syllabus.

16 I Forgot Where the Room Was

I Forgot Where the Room Was If you couldn't find your classroom, then how could you make it to class? It's an impossible task.

17 My Mental Health Comes First

My Mental Health Comes First This one is more honest than comical. Your mental health is more important than your grades, after all.

Your teachers might not appreciate these excuses, but they certainly are funny. What's the most ridiculous excuse you've ever used for skipping class?

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